5 Tips to Starting A Self Care Routine

Sometimes the hardest part of doing anything is simply starting

Starting a new skincare regimen, workout program, Bible study, reading plan, eating habit or really anything- it can all be challenging. If we take time to simply learn how to just start, it can help us so much in the long run. 

Here are 5 tips to help you start a solid self care routine:

1. Determine areas of your life you feel could use some improvement

The simplest way to dive into this is taking the approach looking at your body, mind and soul. Believe it or not, almost everything can fall into self care. Keeping a cleaner or more tidy home can help you feel more energized and free. Relaxing and pampering yourself can improve your quality of life and reduce stress. Managing your finances better can allow for more saving, spending and giving- all components of a balanced life. 

2. Start small- try improving one area at a time

Did things just start flooding to your head that you want to improve? That is totally normal. It's safe to say there are many areas of your life you wish to improve, and that's great. For now, just pick one. By starting small you can master the one and add as you feel comfortable. If there are 5 areas you're trying to improve, you may feel overwhelmed and quit. Just start with one. 

3. Make a plan and implement one self care practice at a time 

Write. It. Down. This cannot be stressed enough! Write down the one self care practice you are going to implement and stick to it. Write down your plan/goals and hang it somewhere that you can see on a daily basis to help keep it at the forefront of your mind. Some good ideas might be: 

  • Book one hour-long massage per month
  • Go to bed by 10pm nightly 
  • Read for 30 minutes during your lunch break 
  • Tell the family I am having alone time from 8-10pm one night per week
  • Automatically transfer $50 from my paycheck each time 

4. Accountability- find someone to help hold you accountable 

Accountability is a huge factor of success. This is why so many people hire business coaches, financial coaches, sports coaches and so much more. Not only are they hired for their knowledge and expertise, but also for accountability. Someone to nudge you when you fall off track or inspire you to keep going when you want to quit. IOME Trained Supporters are incredible accountability partners and provide weekly check-ins to keep you on track. 

5. Start again when you stop

I know that is much easier said than done, but seriously. More often times than not you're not going to hit your goal in the first round. Sometimes not the second, third, fourth of fifth. The point is to keep going! If you set a priority to read 30 minutes a day and haven't picked up your booked in two weeks, that's okay! Lessen the time to just 15 minutes and see if that's easier to fit in your schedule. Self care isn't for anyone else but you! It's to make you feel better and be happier. Do whatever it takes to adjust and keep going. 

Start. Give it a try! Check out IOME's Partner Page to get gather self care ideas. We have everything encompassing the body, mind and soul. Each partner offers IOME Community members special discounts  and services. Find something you really want to try? Join IOME for just $12 per month to get access to the incredible discounts! 


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